Wednesday, December 31, 2014


And yes we have New Years Eve. Maybe some of you have allready celebrated the new year and some of you are still waiting... I wish you all a wonderfull and sweet new year.
Happy New Year!
Happy 2015 !

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Greek "Diples"

The Greek "Diples" are a traditional greek sweet for events and religion days. They are with syrup and honey and decorated with walnuts. Try them and you will love this sweet!

What you need for the doug:

- 4 eggs
- 1 cup of coffee or ouzo mastic
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 cup orange juice which douse ½ teaspoon soda
- 800g. flour

For the syrup:

- 2 glasses of water (500ml)
- 1 cup sugar (230gr)
- 1 cup honey (400g)

For sprinkling:

-2 cups of tea walnuts
- some cinnamon

Preparing folds ...
Put in blender eggs one by one and beat on high speed. Add then ouzo or mastic and continue stirring. Then pour the orange juice and where we go off half teaspoon soda, and finally add and tablespoons oil while stirring. Finally add all the flour and continue beating. Remove dough from mixer and knead with hands throwing if needed and a little flour until it becomes fluffy and soft.
Cut pieces from the dough and roll into a thin sheet each with a rolling pin to give a rectangle shape. Then with pulley cut strips of dough. Take one strip to pour the hot oil with the help of a fork immediately give the next roll of the characteristic shape. We leave for a few seconds in hot oil and then withdraw it and put them on paper towels to drain.

Brewing syrup ...
In a saucepan boil water with sugar for 5-6 minutes. Then add the honey and let the mixture boil for some more time.

Completing our folds ...

Dip the cold folds for a few seconds in warm to hot syrup. Finally, pour a little honey, sprinkle with chopped walnuts and cinnamon and serve.


- Sunflower oil should covers the folds and is very hot when fried.
- The folds must be cold and the warm syrup to warm not to soft.
- Allow the dough to rest for about half an hour.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

TIP: Cookies Christmas Trees

If you want to make something special then take some of your cookie dough of your choiceand make some stars. They have to be in different sizes one big and then bit smaller till you have the samllest one for the decorating star on top of your tree. You can decorate them with fondant in any colour you want. The fondant you can stick with heated marmelade. And ready are your beautiful trees, which are a beautiful decoration idea for your Christmas table.

Have fun! ♥

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Marmelade Cookies

And Christmas is here. The last days to make some delicious sweets for Christmas. Some of my favorite sweets are Marmelade Cookies with chocolate.

What you need is:

- 200gr flour
- 100gr sugar
- 1 vanilla bean
- 250gr butter
- 1 egg
- Marmelade and couverture for garnish

Beat the sugar with the egg and the butter until it becomes creamy. Add the flavor and work with the hand. It becomes a combined dough, so you can make Christmas cookies with a cookie form.

Preheat your oven at180C and bake your cookies 10- 15 minutes. Let them be cold before you combine two cookies with the marmelade of your choice and the melted chocolate.

Have fun and bake delicious sweets for Christmas! <3

Saturday, December 20, 2014

5 day until Christmas my friends! So make some atmosphere at home. Have a nice Sunday and make some sweets for your love ones!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Greek Melomakarona

In Greece we have many different sweets for Christmas. I have shown you last year the "Kourampiedes". So this year an other idea for Christmas, I will show you "Melomakarona". These are traditional greek sweets with honey syrup and many spices.

What do you need:

- 240gr. cotton seed oil
- 240 g. olive oil 

- 50 g. cognac
- 160 g. fresh orange juice
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 200 g. sugar
- 1 tsp carnation
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- Zest of 2 oranges unwaxed
- 900 g. Flour for All Crystals Uses
- 2 tsp Mpeikin Powder Crystals

For the syrup:

- 400 g. sugar
- 400 g. water
- 400 g. thyme honey
- ½ lemon juice
- ground pistachio or walnut

Sift the flour and baking powder in a bowl. Put the oil, seed oil, brandy, sugar, cinnamon, cloves, orange zest. Dissolve the soda in the juice and pour the mixture. Mix with wire, pour in the flour and mix gently to get the mixture.

Not pester the mixture too. The dough should be soft and oily. I get dough into walnut size and conjure small melomakarona. The array on trays. Light make plans with a fork on the surface and bake for about 25 minutes in a well preheated oven at 160o C air, well browned and crisp. Let cool thoroughly, completely.

For the syrup Put all ingredients in a saucepan and by the time you come to a boil, boil 3 '. Skim foam. Allow the syrup to a low temperature at 1 and members melomakarona. The dip in syrup about 20 'on each side. Sprinkle with peanut or walnut.

- Mold melomakarona very small, so that not much time chreiazonati myeloma. If creatures large, need more time cooking and more myeloma.
- The dough should be soft and oily. Once you add the flour and get into the dough and does not appear, then just stop kneading!
- For Syruping: airing well melomakarona, the dip in syrup simmering (the lowest temperature of the kitchen) and immediately sprinkle with nuts or peanut.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas Cupcakes

Something usual, but at the same time we love them: Cupcakes. I will show you a simple recipe with vanilla and chocolate flavor and beautiful decoration ideas. For Christmas are the Cupcakes a beautiful idea, because you can mix and decorate them if you want.

What you need is:

- 250gr butter
- 500gr all purpose flavor
- baking powder
- 300gr sugar
- vanilla
- 250gr milk
- cocoa powder
- salt
-4 eggs

Mix the butter with the sugar until they combine. Then add one egg after the other. When it becomes one add the flavor and the milk. Put some salt and vanilla flavor in it and the dough is ready. To get a chocolate dough take the half of it and mix cocoa in it. So you can put vanilla and chocolate dough in one Cupcake, to get a delicious result.
Have fun my friends! <3

Monday, December 1, 2014

Christmas is coming my friends and we prepare a beautiful atmosphere. So take your tree and decorate it.
And I will show you soon some ideas for sweet sins at christmas.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Chocolate Truffles

Delicious small truffles, with a bit of alcohol and much of chocolate!

250 g. sugar
220 g. flour
50 g. cocoa
5 eggs eggs

200 g. cream 36% fat
200 g. dark chocolate 55% cocoa
100 g. rum
30g. cocoa
100 g. chocolate drops ION
almond karamelize for coating

Whisk the sugar with the eggs in mixer to rise and turn white. Sift the flour, cocoa and baking powder and add gradually to the mixture and stir. The pour into a greased and floured baking pan diameter 24 cm. Bake at 170°C for about 30-40 minutes. Allow to cool thoroughly. It is preferable to prepare it one day earlier.

In a saucepan add the cream and place on fire. Just boil, pour over the chopped chocolate.
The mixer put the cake into pieces and add the rum, the ganache and cocoa. Knead the mixture. Add the chocolate drops and leave in the fridge for 1 hour. The knead again for a while, the mold into balls covering them with almond karamelize.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

To be continued....

Christmas preparation begins! So this week I show you one of a special recipe...

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Have a nice Sunday my friends and a beautiful start in your new week. So take a piece of cake and be sweet!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Creamy Cake with Apricots

Combine chocolate, vanilla, fruits, and cream.. And vuala you have done the most simple cake, but also a very delicious. For your decoration you can use fruits of your choice. I take sweet apricots. You will see the preparation time for the cake is minimal.

What you need:

- for the vanilla dough see recipes below

For the cream:

- 3 yellow eggs
-1 egg
- 20gr corn flour
- 20gr flour
- 80gr sugar
- 250gr cream
- 250gr milk

Heat the cream with the milk well. Combine in a bowl the egg yellow, the egg and the suga. Then add the flour and corn flour. When the liquids are heaten then mix the ingrediants with the egg with the cream and milk and mix them until they become a cream. At least take some couvertoure in the hot cream to get a chocolate cream.

Make yor cake: Whipp some cream to wrap your cake. cut yor cake bread in two halfs. in the centre you use your chocolate cream. When you wrap your cake you can decorate the cake with fruits. I also use crumbles.

And yor cake is ready. Have fun my friends ♡

Monday, October 27, 2014

Themed Cake

An other themed cake is done!
A beautiful for children and fans of "Dora"  with many colors and playfull decorated. With Vanilla and Chocolate flavour and decorated with fondant.

To get a perfect cake you can use a ganache under your fondant. Take 200gr chocolate couverture and 200gr cream. Heat them and let them cool. Then you can use it for your cake and lay the fondant over it.

Monday, October 20, 2014

I think chocolate is the best medicine for you. So when you are bored, sick or maybe you don't have the peferct energy for your work eat some chocolate!

Have a sweet, nice start in the day and week! ♥

Monday, October 13, 2014

Biscuit Role

Something small, something freshy and something... sweet! A biscuit role is a light sweet for all. You can vary it and get different flavours.

What you need:

- 3 eggs
- 1 egg yolk
- 75gr sugar
- vanilla sugar
- 100gr flour
- baking powder
- 2 tabelspoon hot water
- 500gr mascarpone cream
- 200gr vanilla quark cream

Beat the eggs, the egg yolks and water in a mixing bowl with a mixer at the highest level for 1 minute. Frothy. Sprinkle with vanilla sugar. Sugar mixed with stirring in 1 minute. And mass strike for a further 2 minutes. Flour and backing mix and briefly stir on the lowest level. Emphasize dough on the smooth sheet and bake.
Peel of the baking paper. To get a better role result you can sprinkle a kitchen towel with powdered sugar and role you biscuit dough. For the cream mix the mascarpone with the vanilla quark cream. You can mix some apricots in the cream to get a fruity taste.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Nutella - Oreo Triffle

Yummi !!! With this post I show you how easy you can make a very delicious triffle. A triffle for those who don't know what it is, is whipped cream and if you want a cream with your loved flavour in a pot. So easily to say the sweets which you have left mixed in one. The triffle can make with fruits an whipped cream, for example in the summer. I decided to show you something with whipped cream, Nutella cheese cream and Oreo cookies.

Fot the Nutella cheese cream you whipped 200gr Philadelphia so it gets creamy. Then you add 50gr powederd sugar and 200gr Nutella and mix them. If you want a harder Nutella flavour you can add more. It is up to you. So when you have whipped the cream and prepared the Nutella cheese cream, you can hot the cookies. They are not powedered and that's why the triffle is crunchy.

At least you lay all together in a bowl or in a pot. I choose my marmalade glasses. I put first some Oreos, then a bit of the whipped cream. Inside some crunchy Oreos and on the top Nutella cream. I decorate my triffle with cookies, but also with melted couvertoure for more taste of chocolate.

Friday, September 26, 2014


And? Do you know what it is on the picture? Yes it is the preparation for our marmalade. All marmalades whatever fruits you use are made this way. Only the grams of sugar are different, but this is also your choice how sweet do you want to be your marmalade. I show you a marmalade with apricots.

What you need:

- 20 big apricots
- 800gr sugar 
- 1/2 juice of a lemon

Our fruit must be mature and free hits. Wash thoroughly and remove the seeds. Place them in a small fireproof dish alternately with sugar. Cover them. Leave them in the fridge overnight. During this time stir once or twice. The next day the sugar must be melted and be as a syrup. Pour the mixture into a pan with a thick base. Once it starts to boil reduce heat and simmer on medium heat for about 20 minutes until the jam leaving layer on the opposite of the paddle. And it's done! Have fun my friends and make delicious marmalades ♥♡

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Greek "Touloumpakia"

I think the best way to start in you weekend is to have something sweet. So my mum bought some greek "Touloumpakia". They are with syrup and so delicious. And i thought why not? We make some of it.

The preperation time is about 15 minutes.

What you need:

- 140gr flour
- 4 eggs
- 4 tabelspoon semolina
- 1 vanilla
- 100gr butter
- 250ml water
- 1 tabelspoon sugar
- a bit salt

For the syrup:

- 3 cups sugar
- 3 cups water
- 1/2 cup honey
- lemon juice of an half lemon

You put all ingradiants in a bowl except from the eggs. Mix them well with a mixer. Then you put an egg after the other till it is well combined. Then work the dough with your hand. For the form of the Touloumpakia you have to use a horn. Then fry them in oil til they become golden-brown.

For the syrup put the water, the honey and the sugar together and heat them till you don't see the sugar. At least put the lemon juice in the syrup and let them to be cold.

when the Touloumpakia are ready you can spread the syrup on them and... done!


Friday, September 12, 2014

ΔΕΘ - Exhibition in Thessaloniki

A Land of chocolate and sweets.... Hmm what is more delicious, I can't imagine something better. Every year there is an exhibition in Thessaloniki Greece. There I found plenty of sweets, bonbons, jellys and of course chocolate. This year I saw the chocolate factory. You can learn where the chocolate comes from and how the cocoa bones become chocolate. So when we say we eat chocolate my friends then you can say you eat fruits.
