Friday, March 28, 2014

Kataifi with Nuts

It's easy, it's fast, it's fantastically tasty and you do not need many ingredients. Greek kataifi with different nuts. Take nuts of your choice. I take here hazelnuts, almonds and pistachios.

First chop the nuts small. The nuts are later be both within the kataifi and above as decoration.

Because the Kataifi is like hair, you have to separate with it. your hands so it does not like a ball hangs together. If you have do this then knuckle down some Kataifi. Above flipping nuts and over again Kataifi. You bake it at 180C until it becomes gold-brown. In the meantime you can make your sirup. You cook 500gr water with 400gr sugar until it thickens.

When the Kataifi is baked you can distribute the remaining nuts over the Kataifi . At least you poured over the syrup....
And it's ready. Try this sweet sin, You will love it.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Cake pops

It is still cake left? You have not eaten it and now you know not what shall you do with it?  
A great and simple variant are Cake pops. They are very sweet and quick to make. You don't need many ingredients. So take a look and start to make Cake pops. 

You need

- 500gr cake (no matter what kind of cake)
- 150g icing sugar
- 50g soft butter
- 50g cream cheese

- 200gr white melted chocolate (or what you want)

Soft butter and powdered sugar creamy mixed and stir in the cream cheese. Crumble cake in a bowl. Add the butter cream and mix both. Form balls and then I put them on a board. If I have enough time, then they migrate overnight in the refrigerator. Do not have much time then in the chest.
Heat the chocolate in a water bath and then wrap the cake pops with chocolate.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Vanilla-Orange-Chocolate Cake

What is more quick and simple than a Cake. The interesting in cakes is that you can decide tha taste of it. Here I show you a quick taste of vanilla and orange with a mix of chocolate. And with a glaze with chocolate.


You need:

- 500gr self-raising flour
- 400gr sugar
- 250gr butter
- 240gr milk
- 4 eggs
- a pinch of salt


- one vanilla sugar
- orange zest
- 20gr cocoa

 Beat the butter with the sugar until the mixture is fluffy. Then add successively the eggs, vanilla and salt. Finally add the milk and flour and stir until the mixture is uniform. Divide the mixture into two bowl. At one add the cocoa and the other orange zest

With this mixture You make two cakes. It is rich in quantity. If you only want one cake, share the dosage and put half grams of the recipe, which I gave you.

Pour into a prepared tin. First put the white dough and then the dark with the cocoa. The dough is mixed with the baking of itself. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C gia 55 minutes.
At least if you want you can make a glaze of chocolate couverture with cream. Melt 200gr couverture with 200gr cream. When you become a uniform mixture drizzle cake with chocolate ganache.

Friday, March 14, 2014


A very simple tip for you my friends. If you make Cupcakes a siple trick to make them more delicious is to fill them with different cream. Cut out in the middle of the Cupcake a small hole. The cut part is keep to use it as a cover. So you can fill the Cupcakes with whippes cream, with pudding or marmelade. This is up to you.

When you have filled you Cupcakes cover them with the cutted part. Then you can decorate your Cupcakes how you want. With Frosting, melted chocolate or Fondant.

Thus, the Cupcakes become more tasteful with a suprise inside. Here I used marmelade with the taste of cherry. You will see the Cupcake get a new sweet taste like a paste.
And it melts in your mouth. A sweet sin.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Fasting cookies

For lent I have prepared you the most delicious cookies. Without eggs or butter, yet they are enjoyable.

You need:

- 300 gr flour
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup oil
- 1 cup orange juice
- zest of 2 oranges
- 3 teaspoons baking powder
- 1 teaspoon soda

Stir the soda and the juice. Mix all the dry ingredients: the sugar with the flour and baking powder. Then put the oil with the zest togehter. Add to the liquid ingredients slowly the soda with the orange juice and then everything is stirred by hand by adding the flour slowly.
The dough should not stick to the hand, so if you need some more flour stir it to the dough.
The form of the cookies can you choose by yourself.
Bake them at 180° C until they get golden-brown.


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Happy Woman's Day my girls. Celebrate your day and get some sweet presents. Especially our mothers... We Love You!
Woman's all over the World have a wonderfull sweet and sunny day.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Halva with Semolina and Almonds

Lent has begun and many of you fast. But you missing anything ... the sweet little sin. You think you can not eat anything sweet? Then stay tuned for a series of ideas that do not have milk or eggs.

Our first proposal is Halva with Semolina and Almonds. It is very simple and you don't need many things.

You need

- 200g. semolina
- 120 gr. olive oil or sunflower oil
- 400 gr. water
- 150g. white almonds, whole
- 200g. sugar
- cinnamon (for sprinkling)

Pour the semolina , olive oil and almonds in a saucepan and place over very low heat . Stir constantly with a spoon for 30 to 40 minutes. The slow roasting is what makes the white halva .In another saucepan , heat the water with the sugar and pour the syrup over the roasted semolina. We strengthen a little heat and stir constantly until the saved water and the mixture is stiff. Divide halva on a form of your choice or in individual ramekins , leave it to cool for about 1 hour , xeformaroume , sprinkle with cinnamon and serve.

And it is ready. Try it and you will love it my friends! It is very light and if you want you can eat it with ic cream. It is delicious! 
Have fun!