Friday, June 26, 2015

Ice-cream with Oreo cookies and Nutella

As the older posts you can make the Ice-Cream in form of an cake to spoon it! So try it to break some Oreo cookies in it and mix them with the Ice-Cream some chocolate chips and spread nutella. You can make the half as I said and the other half Ice-Cream chocolate with Nutella and hazelnuts.

Have a sunny and refreshing weekend!!


What you need:

 - 500g cream
 - 200g cream cheese
 - 1 tin condensed milk
 - 200 g. praline
 - 1 package cookies

 - you can use fruits, nuts, chocolate chips  or what you want to fill your ice cream

Whisk the condensed milk with cream cheese, praline and everything else. In another bowl, beat the cream into whipped cream. Combine the two mixtures and mix our ice cream is ready! To make sandwiches put on a griddle membrane, and lay cookies on the face side to the bottom and top.
Spread ice cream and kapakonei with the remaining biscuits. When he freezes the ice cream with a knife cut into partitions and ready the sandwiches.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Themed Cake: Farm

For a little boy you can make some nice things with Fondant on top of your geateau. So here I show you a little "Farm". The main thing was a tractor, because he likes them. So with a little phantasy and some ideas you can make a beautiful geateau.
Within the cake is the classic filling of chocolate and vanilla cream.
Have fun!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Themed Cake: Breasts

A very fnny and special gateau. One with Breasts. If you want to make a special present for your friend you can make a funny gateau with a funny topic. So this one is for a young girl. Filled with chocolate and vanilla cream. And outside covered with Fondant to make the form of a breast. So have great ideas and make your friends laugh!!

Have fun!!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Triple Cake

Make this Triple Cake with chocolate, vanilla and praline chocolate and you will love it.

What you need is:

2 c. sugar1 cup. Butter5 eggs2 tsp vanilla1 1/2 yogurt (300 g.)4 tbsp cognac2 pinches of salt500 g. self raising flour3k.s. sifted unsweetened cocoa250 g. praline chocolate300 g. chocolate praline, very finely chopped15 chocolates broken
A little icing for serving

1. All materials must be at room temperature. Preheat oven to 170 degrees Celsius in resistors.
2. Grease round baking pan 30 cm.

3. Beat the butter with the sugar until fluffy well and kremosei. One by one add the eggs, beating long enough to neutralize the odor of the egg. The more you beat the less smell after. Add the vanilla, salt and yogurt, stir and add the flour. Finally, add half the chopped chocolate. Mix.
4. Take half vanilla mixture and add the cocoa. Stir to homogenize. Pour in greased pan.
5. We touch the surface tablespoons praline chocolate and half broken chocolates. Spread a layer of the mixture over vanilla.
6. Bake on bottom rack for about 45 minutes, until golden brown and the surface to rise.
7. Once it out of the oven, sprinkle with the remaining chopped chocolate to melt, as it is hot.
8. Once cooled, sprinkle with crushed chocolate and steam them lightly. Tip: double dose does not stay crumb!

You can make also small Cupcakes with the dough for each one.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Themed Cake: Bombay Bottle

It maight be sometimes very funny to get a present like a cake in form of something waht you love, what you eat or drink. So here something to drink: A Bombay Bottle!
Within the Bombay Bottle has the taste of vanilla and chocolate cream. The dough is made with vanilla and I add colour to make it funnier.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Themed Cake: Minnie Mouse

Try something sweet for your little girl. Exept from the princess on a cake, for little girls Minnie Mouse is a good idea for a themed cake. I choose vanilla and chocolate flavour for the creams. Try it and your children will Love it....

Chocolate Bars

Sweets combined the most people with chocolate! So I show you the simple trick to make Chocolate Bars with Nuts. You can choose what you Want. I make the Bars with Hazelnuts and Walnuts.

What you need is chocolate of your choice 300gr. You can take couvertoure, milk chocolate it white chocolate. Melt the chocolate. Put the Nuts on Banking paper and Cover them with the melted chocolate. Let them cool and your Chocolate Bars are ready.

Friday, March 6, 2015

High Heel Cake

Womens best Shop, friend and accessories. Shoes and specially a High-Heel is a must have for every pretty woman. Take a look and ideas. With chocolate in it and all with fondant!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Have a beautiful week my friends with something light and fruity. Try a Apricot-Tartar.
Simpel and quick to made with a cream cheese top.

What you need is:

- 75gr sugar
- 75gr butter
- 2 eggs
- 125gr flouver
- 50gr almonds
- a bit: salt, vanilla and baking powder

Beat first the butter with sugar. Add the to eggs one after the other. Then mix the flavour with the baking powder, salt and almonds and mix them into the dough with the rggs.
preheat the oven at 180°C. Bake it for 20 minutes in a form for tartars.

After it let it cool and you can usw a cream cheese top with powdered sugar and whipped cream, before you lay the fruits above the tartar.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Choclate Chips

Mostly I want some sweet with chocolate. Often I haven't a chocolate bar at home so what I do? I melted this time couverture and so simple I make some Chocolate Chips: Some with Corn Flakes what is the most simple idea... others with hazelnuts or almonds or whatrver you want. Try it and you will remember me that this sweet sin is the best way to have very quick something sweet in your home.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Chocolate Role

Hmmm...!!! An other recipe with chocolate. Simple and sweet. You will love it.

What you need is:

- 3 eggs
- 1 cup sugar
- 3/4 cup cream
- 3/4 flour
- baking powder
- soda
- cinnamon
- salt

Mix flour, baking powder, soda, a bit salt and cinnamon in a boel together. Beat the egss wit the sugar and add the stear ingrediants. Preheat thr oven at 160°C and bake for 12-15 minutes. To get your baked dough as a role, take a towel and make some powdered sugar on eat. Take your dough and role it.

Within you role you can use ehat you want. I choose the simple part: Some Nutella, fruits, hazelnuts and whipped cream.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Themed Cake: Princess

An other themed cake my friends and this time a cake with fondant for girls. What is more beautiful as a Princess. Use bright colors like rose, yellow, purple and flowers or hearts. So take your time and make a special Princess.

Within the cake you can choose on your own what flavour you want. I choose here a vanilla cream and a colorfull dough!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Themed Cake: Car's

What is more beautiful to suprise a child with a playfull and colorfull cake. This cake has the topic car's. For a boys namesday or birthday perfect. You can play with thr motives and the colors. I have chosen a chocolate creme patissier with a vanilla dough, which I made green.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Greek Mpaklava

Ingredients for 45 pieces

- 200 g walnuts
- 150 g almonds
- 1 tbsp sugar
- zest of one lemon
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon grated
- a package leaflet for baklava
- ½ cup. Tea melted butter

For the syrup

- 2.5 cups. sugar
- 2.5 cups. water
- 1 spill cinnamon
- little lemon peel
 Boiling total of about 7- 8 minutes

Cut in blender nuts and almonds and mix with the remaining ingredients. Cut the leaves into 4 straight parts.
Each strip of Butter, put a teaspoon filling, just above the end to be able to turn, fold a little right and left and bgein to wrap as role.

Spread baking paper on a baking sheet, put up the flutes and brush the surface with butter.
Bake in preheated oven light at 180-200 degrees for 35-40 minutes, until they get a nice golden color. Prepared the syrup and spread above them. The mpaklava is ready!