Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Chocolate Cake with Strawberry-Cream

You want some cake? Or more something like a mouse? Why not both! Here I show you a quick recipe of a Chocolate Cake with a strawberry cream.

What you need:

For the Chocolate Cake

- 125gr butter
- 125gr suga
- 2 eggs
- 1/3 cup milk
- 200gr flour
- 80gr baking powder
- 15gr cocoa powder

For the Cream

- 225ml cream
- 200gr powdered sugar
- 400gr strawberries
- 15gr gelatins

Prepare the dough for the cake. Mix the flour, baking powder and cocoa. Beat the sugar with the butter. Continue stirring and add eggs separately and then the flour and milk. Spread the form cakes and flour. Place the dough in the cake tin and bake for about 30 minutes at 180 ° C. Remove the baked cake from the mold, turn upside down and leave to cool. Cut the cold cake into two parts. 

Beat the cream a package with half sugar. Mix half the strawberries and cut the rest into pieces. Soak gelatine third glass of cold boiled water. After inflation, the heated until dissolved. Mix the gelatin with mixed strawberries and then the mix with whipped cream and sliced ​​strawberries. Cover the cake with the filling to place the second half on top of him. 

You can decorate your cake with melted chocolate, sprinkles or you can cover it with whipped cream and strawberries. It is up to you. Have fun!

With Love <3

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Ekmek with Easterbread

 You have often some old cake, sweets or something at home and you don't want to throw it in the trash? I know that and I try to make new sweets. So if you made the Easterbread called Tsoureki (you can find the recipe on other post) and you have much Easterbred left so make a delicious "Ekmek Tsoureki". It is very simple and quick to make.

What you need is:

Ingredients for the base

- 450gr Easterbread
- 150gr sugar
- 100gr water
- 75gr chocolate couverture

Ingredients for the cream

- 1liter milk
- 6 egg yellow
- 200gr sugar
- 100gr corn flour
- 100gr butter
-1 teaspoon vanilla powder

- 500gr whipped cream
- pistachio for the garnish

Vibrate in food processor brioche that I cut into pieces to be crushed. I put them in a large bowl.
In a saucepan put the water with the sugar, put on the fire and when the sugar is melted remove from the eye and add the chocolate. Stir well with a whisk to melt chocolate when melted pour the mixture into the bowl with the trimmings trourekiou. Stir with a spoon to go everywhere syrup and then empty all this on a griddle 25x35 inches and spread well have the same thickness everywhere. Wring out well with my palm to make a good base as it freezes.

In a large bowl, beat with wire hand yolks with half the sugar until fluffy. Add 2 tablespoons milk, vanilla and cornflour and knock back the wire to mix well. Meanwhile, in a saucepan put the remaining milk, add the remaining sugar without the shuffle but I put the pot on the fire. When the mixture boil milk-sugar, pour some of it into the bowl with the eggs with a spoon and mix with whisk the eggs begin to be heated but not cooked as scrambled as if we kept everything inside.
Pour 3-4 tablespoons other than milk and stir constantly. Then pour over the egg mixture back into the saucepan with the milk and stir with whisk until cream thickens us. Wants and stirring over low heat for not'' catch'' the bottom of the pot and burn cream us. Scrutiny and testing if it is cooked and no smell alefrila. Remove from heat and add the butter and stir until melted. Pour the cream directly onto the base of the freshwater that we have in the pan. On top of the cream put membrane so that it rests on the cream to prevent a crust cream as our cool. Allow the cake to freeze.

 Beat the cream whipped in a mixer along with the sugar until fluffy and'' standing''. Beware not to parachtypisoume and'' cut''. The cream put this over the cream when it is frozen and of course removing the membrane. If we decorate the cake with crushed pistachio.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

SIN - Chocolate Cake

What is more sweet, more delicious, more..... than chocolate. We love all chocolate: dark, milky, white, Chocolate cake, Cupcakes, truffles, ice- cream and, and, and...
Here I give you for the rest of the weekend a simple and full of chocolate cake.

What you need:

- 200 g. brown sugar
- 4 eggs
- 200 g. dark couverture
- 200 g. butter
- 100 g. flour
- 150 g. chopped milk chocolate

- some Nutella
- 100gr cream
- 100gr couverture

 Beat eggs in mixer with sugar until whitens. Melt chocolate with butter in a double marie. Finely chop the chocolate milk. mix the melted chocolate and butter in the mixture of eggs. Add the sifted flour and chopped milk chocolate and mix okay. Grease and flour a square pan 25x25 centimeters or lay in the bottom of a piece of parchment paper. Pour the mixture and bake in a preheated oven at 180oC for 25 minutes. Allow to cool and cut into two pieces.

The half a cake is coated with Nutella. About the amount you decide itself the other half and you're done. Afterwards the 100gr chocolate are melted with the liquid whipping cream and poured over the chocolate cake. And the sin is ready. More chocolate "dies"!

Have a nice rest weekend my friends <3

Monday, July 7, 2014

Chocolate Salami

A beautiful sunny day with 33 degrees today in Greece. I think there has to be something refreshing sweet. While I opened the refrigerator I saw a piece of salami and so I thought  "why not ?" and decided to make a Chocolate Salami. Taste like chocolate, looks like a salami.

What you need is:

- 300gr butter cookies
- 250gr butter
- 50gr cocoa powder
- 250gr powdered sugar
- 1 tablespoon cognac
- 1 egg
- some vanilla powder

In a large bowl crush the butter cookies in small pieces. Butter and egg has to be in room temperature. Add the powdered sugar, the egg, the cocoa powder and the vanilla powder to the cookies. Then add the butter in small cubes. All together we shuffled by hand until it becomes uniform. Wrap an oblong cake form with a cling film and spread the mixture inside. Froze the cake for about two hours in the freezer to be tightened.

Then it is ready and you can have a sweet chocolate salami.
Have a nice week. Have fun! <3

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Good morning friends!

Do you have it, too? You have different cakes and pies at home and you can't decide what you should eat?

So I show you one more dilemma...

Baked Cheesecake in the oven or Cream- Cheese Pie? What do you like more?